KRAIBURG TPE is a globally active manufacturer of thermoplastic elastomers on the basis of auf Basis von styrene block copolymers (TPS). Together with Plastoplan, the German company offers tailored solutions for soft, elastic TPEs, which are custom-fit to suit individual applications and tasks. With production sites in Germany, the USA and Malaysia, KRAIBURG TPE offers a broad portfolio of compounds for applications in the automotive, industrial and consumer areas, as well as for the strictly regulated medical sector.
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Further information can be found on the manufacturer's website®
ADo you have any questions about this material? You can reach our technicians directly at +43 1 250 40 0 or
Further information can be found on the manufacturer's website®
KDo you have any questions about this material? You can reach our technicians directly at +43 1 250 40 0 or
Further information can be found on the manufacturer's website®
MDo you have any questions about this material? You can reach our technicians directly at +43 1 250 40 0 or
Further information can be found on the manufacturer's website®
VDo you have any questions about this material? You can reach our technicians directly at +43 1 250 40 0 or
Further information can be found on the manufacturer's website®
Do you have any questions about this material? You can reach our technicians directly at +43 1 250 40 0 or
Further information can be found on the manufacturer's website®
Do you have any questions about this material? You can reach our technicians directly at +43 1 250 40 0 or
Further information can be found on the manufacturer's website Tec E®